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Introduction to BackOffice

About this webinar

Join us for an informative webinar designed to give you a comprehensive overview of the BackOffice system. This session is perfect for both new users and those looking to refresh their knowledge and maximize their efficiency with the platform.

What you'll learn

By the end of this webinar, you'll have a solid grasp of how to utilize the BackOffice system to its fullest potential, enhancing your productivity and ensuring smooth operations. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your back-office management skills!
  • Understand the functionality of each main tab and its tools
  • Navigate the BackOffice interface with ease
  • Review Essential Elements such as Commission Plans, Checklists and Contacts
Sign up for the webinar below!

Your Presenter

Kelli Calimlin
Product Trainer
Inside Real Estate
  • Profile
    Kelli Calimlin
    Product Trainer
    Inside Real Estate