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BackOffice for Admins: Users & Permissions

About this webinar

Join us for an in-depth webinar focused on exploring the settings and permissions in BackOffice. This session is tailored for Admins who aim to fully understand and efficiently manage user roles and permissions within the platform.

What you'll learn

By the end of this webinar, Admins will have a thorough understanding of how to create users and manage permissions effectively, ensuring a secure and organized BackOffice environment.
  • Step-by-step guide on adding new users to the BackOffice system
  • Understand the hierarchy and scope of permissions to ensure security and proper access control
  • Delve into the nuances of permission settings
Register for this webinar today!

Your Presenter

Kelly Bojarski
Director of Training Systems
Inside Real Estate
Emily Mayes
Product Trainer
Inside Real Estate
  • Profile
    Kelly Bojarski
    Director of Training Systems
    Inside Real Estate
  • Profile
    Emily Mayes
    Product Trainer
    Inside Real Estate